Aloe nobilis "Gold Tooth Aloe"

To 12"

Hardy to Zone 10 (30F)




This hybrid aloe produces large rosettes (sometimes growing up to 18" tall!) which are prolific spreaders, sending out lots of new baby aloes from the base of the original plant. Gold Tooth Aloe has large medium-dark green leaves with white or gold teeth along the edges. Bright, direct sunlight will give the tips of the leaves a rose color, and cold or water stress can turn the entire plant a beautiful bronze! 

Aloe plants produce rosettes of all shapes, sizes, and colors, but all share a few basic shapes. Aloe leaves are thick and fleshy, with pointed "teeth" growing along the sides. Aloe plants will not survive a hard freeze, but make attractive countainer plants that like bright indoor light during the winter and filtered sunlight if grown outdoors during the summer. Aloe grow best in a gritty, well-drained soil with deep but infrequent watering. Aloe reproduce by growing offsets from their base (though some spread more readily than others) which can be separated and planted on their own.